Fanzola has chosen to test its doors and windows at the most prestigious German institutes. The excellent results obtained, both in terms of thermal transmittance and other tests (the highest class in each test), demonstrate the actual quality of the product:
One of the main values necessary for calculating the overall thermal transmittance of the window is that of the frame. To determine its U value called Uf (from the English word “frame”), there are calculation methods (indicated by the UNI EN 10077-1 and UNI EN 10077-2 standards).
According to UNI EN 1026/01 (method) and UNI EN 12207 (evaluation of results).
It is the ability of a window to prevent air infiltration even when there are pressure differences between inside and outside. The test therefore guarantees the absence of drafts.
The result of the test is coded in 4 classes of membership (1,2,3,4) where 1 is the minimum and 4 is the maximum.
According to the UNI EN 12211/01 standard (method and UNI EN 12210 (evaluation of results).
The test measures the ability of a frame to withstand strong pressures and / or depressions, such as those caused by strong gusts of wind, without any bending or deformation of the various elements that constitute it, or accidental opening of the doors.
This test therefore guarantees the safety and robustness of the locking systems even in exceptional weather conditions. The performances are evaluated for 5 numerical classes of belonging (1,2,3,4,5) where 1 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum, and three classes (A, B, C) where “A” is the minimum and ” C “is the maximum.
According to UNI EN 12046-1 (method) and UNI EN 13115 (evaluation of results).
The test verifies the absence of deformations and damage to the window opening and closing system, after the application of vertical load and static torsion on the handle. Class 1 is the best result obtainable in this test.
According to the UNI EN 14609 standard
With this test the resistance of the flap opening device is verified, when subjected to a static load perpendicular to the leaf. The standard requires that this requirement be met by applying a force of 350N to the open-top window.
According to UNI EN 1027 (method) and UNI EN 12208 (evaluation of results).
It is the characteristic of a window frame that prevents the infiltration of water from the outside, even under the action of a differential pressure between inside and outside. The test method UNI EN 1027 foresees the watering of the external face after a strong pressure difference between the external face of the frame and the internal one. Depending on the pressure reached before water infiltration is detected, the frame is classified, according to the UNI EN 12208 standard, according to nine performance classes (1A, 2A, 3A, … 9A).